New : Share your favorites with your friends

Survey with friends

Compare - Vote - Book !

This new feature allows you to share with your relatives your selection of properties for vacation rental. Everyone votes for his favorite residence and dates. Then, by accessing the survey, you can finalize your choice and book online the dates that fit the best to everyone!


How does it work :

  1.  Form the multi-criteria search, select the properties you are interested by clicking "Compare this property".

  2.  Open the footer window "Your list of properties to compare (1 / 4)" by clicking "Compare".

  3.  The page Compare properties asks you to "Create a survey with the selected properties".

  4.  Enter  names / surnames and email of the people you want to share the survey with.

  5.  Each recipient receives an email from you with a link to the survey.

  6. Each of your friends can vote for their favorite residence and dates of stay.

  7. Each member of the survey can then access the results by clicking on "View the results on surveys" on the same page as the vote.

You can see which residence wins the most votes and which dates are the most chosen.


It's your turn to play!


Please note, available dates displayed during the survey are subject to change, as voting blocks by no means the availability of the property at a given date.

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